Results for 'J. P. Naude'

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    Die skeppingsmites as simbole van psigiese prosesse.J. P. Naudé - 1986 - HTS Theological Studies 42 (4).
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    'n Kritiese vergelyking tussen die Christologiese modelle van H Ott en L Berkhof.J. P. Naude - 1981 - HTS Theological Studies 37 (1/2).
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  3. In defence of partisan justice: What can African business ethics learn from John Rawls?P. J. Naude - 2005 - African Journal of Business Ethics 1 (1):31.
    The managerial and personal approaches to Business Ethics are inadequate to address the systemic problems facing ethical reflection in Africa. It is argued that the ethical guidance position that takes the least advantaged individuals or groups in society as reference points is a more suitable ethical approach. The philosophical version of this egalitarian view as set out by John Rawls is then shortly explained, after which a few implications for Business Ethics in Africa are drawn.
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    De Novis Libris Iudicia.W. J. W. Koster, D. Holwerda, W. J. Verdenius, M. H. A. L. H. Van Der Valk, J. C. Kamerbeek, G. -J.-M.-J. Te Riele, J. Korver, C. P. T. Naudé, H. Bolkestein, H. Wagenvoort, H. T. Wallinga, A. D. Leeman, D. Loenen, M. David, Melchior Verheijen, J. W. Ph Borleffs, A. Sizoo & W. Den Boer - 1958 - Mnemosyne 11 (1):53-93.
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    La critique cartésienne de la raison. Folie, rêve et liberté dans les Méditations Georges J. D. Moyal Collection «Analytiques», vol. 9 Montréal, Bellarmin; Paris, Librairie Philosophique J. Vrin, 1997, IX, 262 p. [REVIEW]Julien Naud - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (3):620-.
    Georges Moyal présente une interprétation du doute dans les Méditations de Descartes et recherche les conditions nécessaires à son universalité; ces mêmes conditions seront également garantes de la radicalité critique de son entreprise. Selon lui, la plupart des commentateurs ont manqué le sens fondamental du doute cartésien, parce qu’ils n’ont pas révoqué en doute, non seulement les vérités mathématiques, mais aussi les vérités premières de logique et les mécanismes mêmes de l’entendement. Enfin, cette mise en question n’est possible que si (...)
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    Herméneutique et philosophie Hans-Georg Gadamer Preface de Jean Greisch Collection «Le Grenier à Sel» Paris, Beauchesne, 1999, 179 p. [REVIEW]Julien Naud - 2003 - Dialogue 42 (1):172-.
    Sauf les deux notices consacrées à G. Krüger et à R. Kroner, et le court article, «Schleiermacher platonicien», les articles rassemblés dans ce recueil ont déjà été publiés, en français, dans L’art de comprendre I et II. Leur publication dans le présent ouvrage, en plus de mettre ces textes plus facilement à la portée des lecteurs, a l’avantage, comme le mentionne J. Greisch dans sa préface, de rappeler comment la pensée de Gadamer a été reçue dans le milieu philosophique francophone. (...)
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    SymmetryArt in Modern ArchitectureThe Artist at Work.J. P. Hodin, Hermann Weyl, Eleanor Bittermann, H. Ruhemann & E. M. Kemp - 1953 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 12 (1):133.
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    Thomas Hobbes: political ideas in historical context.J. P. Sommerville - 1992 - New York: St. Martin's Press.
    'Johann Sommerville's is an impeccable textbook. Simply written, it provides exposition of Hobbes' arguments in the context of English and continental thought'. P. Springborg, University of Sydney, Political Studies, Vol. XL1, No 2 6/93 Thomas Hobbes was probably the greatest of British political theorists. Too often commentators have failed to grasp his meaning because they have ignored the historical context in which he wrote. Drawing on much recent scholarship and on many little-known seventeenth century sources, this book presents a lucid (...)
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    Block on perceptual variation, attribution, discrimination, and adaptation.Susanna Schellenberg, Andrew J. P. Fink, Carl E. Schoonover & Mary A. Peterson - 2025 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 110 (1):311-324.
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, EarlyView.
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    On the Text of Juvenal I. 115.1.J. P. Postgate - 1909 - Classical Quarterly 3 (1):66-68.
    Amongst the readings of the Parisian codex collated by Mr. Stuart which he classes as interpolations is one whose singularity at once arrests attention. In the well-known passage, I. 113 sqq., where all known MSS. including P haveetsi, funesta Pecunia, templonondum habitas, nullas nummorum ereximus aras,ut colitur Pax atque Fides Victoria Virtusquaeque salutato crepitat Concordia nido,II presents firma instead of atque.
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  11. Maurice A. Finocchiaro, Retrying Galileo: 1633-1992. [REVIEW]J. P. Dougherty - 2005 - Acta Philosophica 14 (2).
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    Plotinus John Bussanich: The One and its Relation to Intellect in Plotinus: A Commentary on Selected Texts. (Philosophia Antiqua, 49.) Pp. vii+258. Leiden, New York, Copenhagen, Cologne: E. J. Brill, 1988. Paper, Gld. 90. Gary M. Gurtler: Plotinus: The Experience of Unity. (American University Studies, Series V, 43.) Pp. xiii+320. New York, Bern, Frankfurt am Main, Paris: Peter Lang, 1988. Cased, $43.40. Frederic M. Schroeder: Form and Transformation: A Study in the Philosophy of Plotinus. (McGill–Queen's Studies in the History of Ideas, 16.) Pp. xiv+125. Montreal, Kingston, London, Buffalo: McGill–Queen's University Press, 1992. Cased, £25.95. [REVIEW]G. J. P. O'daly - 1994 - The Classical Review 44 (02):311-314.
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    Private Censorship: A Reply To Friedland’s “Caveat Censor”.J. P. Messina - forthcoming - Philosophy of Management:1-6.
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    By Their Side, Not on Their Chest: Ethical Arguments to Allow Residential Aged Care Admission Policies to Forego Full Cardiac Resuscitation.J. P. Winters & E. Hutchinson - forthcoming - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry:1-10.
    We argue that Aged Residential Care (ARC) facilities should be allowed to create and adopt an informed “No Chest Compression” (NCC) policy. Potential residents are informed before admission that staff will not provide chest compressions to a pulseless resident. All residents would receive standard choking care, and a fully discussed advance directive would be utilized to determine if the resident wanted a one-minute trial of rescue breaths (to clear their airway) or utilization of the automatic defibrillator in case of arrest. (...)
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    (1 other version)Quasi‐Boolean Algebras, Empirical Continuity and Three‐Valued Logic J. P. Cleave in Bristol (Great Britain).J. P. Cleave - 1976 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 22 (1):481-500.
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    The Value of Topoi.J. P. Zompetti - 2006 - Argumentation 20 (1):15-28.
    Despite Vancil’s (1979) proclamation over twenty years ago that topoi have been abandoned in argument theory, this essay contends that topoi should have a vital role in contemporary argumentation theory. Four key areas are identified where topoi are (or can be) essential tools for argumentation: Locating argument, building argument, development of critical thinking, and argument pedagogy. As a result, teachers and students of argument can both benefit from a (re)discovery of topoi.
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    Private Censorship.J. P. Messina - 2023 - Oxford University Press.
    Concerns about censorship have once again reached a fever pitch across the liberal West. In other historical periods, such concerns may have marked reactions to book bans and burnings. Often, they followed prosecutions and subsequent jailtime for things spoken or written. During the Red Scare, they were the hushed response to chilling state-sponsored watch-lists and employer-supported blacklists designed to ensure victory against communism. Against this history, complaints about the new censorship appear differently. With respect to the new censorship, there are (...)
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  18. Therapeutic Chatbots as Cognitive-Affective Artifacts.J. P. Grodniewicz & Mateusz Hohol - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):795-807.
    Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) systems (also known as AI “chatbots”) are among the most promising examples of the use of technology in mental health care. With already millions of users worldwide, CAI is likely to change the landscape of psychological help. Most researchers agree that existing CAIs are not “digital therapists” and using them is not a substitute for psychotherapy delivered by a human. But if they are not therapists, what are they, and what role can they play in mental (...)
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  19. Therapeutic Conversational Artificial Intelligence and the Acquisition of Self-understanding.J. P. Grodniewicz & Mateusz Hohol - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):59-61.
    In their thought-provoking article, Sedlakova and Trachsel (2023) defend the view that the status—both epistemic and ethical—of Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI) used in psychotherapy is complicated. While therapeutic CAI seems to be more than a mere tool implementing particular therapeutic techniques, it falls short of being a “digital therapist.” One of the main arguments supporting the latter claim is that even though “the interaction with CAI happens in the course of conversation… the conversation is profoundly different from a conversation with (...)
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  20. Belief revision in psychotherapy.J. P. Grodniewicz - 2024 - Synthese 203 (4):1-22.
    According to the cognitive model of psychopathology, maladaptive beliefs about oneself, others, and the world are the main factors contributing to the development and persistence of various forms of mental suffering. Therefore, the key therapeutic process of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)—a therapeutic approach rooted in the cognitive model—is cognitive restructuring, i.e., a process of revision of such maladaptive beliefs. In this paper, I examine the philosophical assumptions underlying CBT and offer theoretical reasons to think that the effectiveness of belief revision (...)
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  21. Lexikon der Ethik.J. P. Wils, Chr Hubenthal & R. Sneller - 2007 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 69 (4):779.
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  22. Jan sajdak, "k. S. F. Tertulian".J. P. W. - 1949 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 2:446.
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    God's indifferents: Why Cicero's Stoic Jupiter made the world.J. P. F. Wynne - 2012 - Apeiron 45 (4):354-383.
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    Modulation of tectal functions by prosencephalic loops in amphibians.J. P. Ewert & Th Finkenstädt - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):122-123.
  25. Search for a Method.J.-P. SARTRE - 1963
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  26. Developing a model of the whistle-blowing process: How does type of wrongdoing affect the process.J. P. Near, M. Rehg, M. P. Miceli & Van Scotter Jr - 2004 - Business Ethics Quarterly 14 (4):219-242.
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    The influence of risk and monetary payment on the research participation decision making process.J. P. Bentley - 2004 - Journal of Medical Ethics 30 (3):293-298.
    Objectives: To determine the effects of risk and payment on subjects’ willingness to participate, and to examine how payment influences subjects’ potential behaviours and risk evaluations.Methods: A 3 × 3 , between subjects, completely randomised factorial design was used. Students enrolled at one of five US pharmacy schools read a recruitment notice and informed consent form for a hypothetical study, and completed a questionnaire. Risk level was manipulated using recruitment notices and informed consent documents from hypothetical biomedical research projects. Payment (...)
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    Why does human twin research not produce results consistent with those from nonhuman animals?J. P. Scott - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):39-40.
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    In Defense of a Thomistic‐like Dualism.J. P. Moreland - 2018 - In Jonathan J. Loose, Angus John Louis Menuge & J. P. Moreland, The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism. Oxford, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 102–122.
    This chapter discusses author's view a Thomistic‐like dualism. Next, it lays out the details of his position and he argues that it has certain advantages over physicalist treatments of the human person, and, to a lesser degree, over alternate versions of substance dualism. Then, he responds to some objections against his position. He accepts constituent realism regarding properties (and relations), according to which properties (and relations) are universals that, when exemplified (and they need not be to exist), become constituents of (...)
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  30. The process of linguistic understanding.J. P. Grodniewicz - 2020 - Synthese 198 (12):11463-11481.
    The majority of our linguistic exchanges, such as everyday conversations, are divided into turns; one party usually talks at a time, with only relatively rare occurrences of brief overlaps in which there are two simultaneous speakers. Moreover, conversational turn-taking tends to be very fast. We typically start producing our responses before the previous turn has finished, i.e., before we are confronted with the full content of our interlocutor’s utterance. This raises interesting questions about the nature of linguistic understanding. Philosophical theories (...)
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  31. Psychotherapy as a folk-psychological practice: Therapeutic mindreading and mindshaping.J. P. Grodniewicz - forthcoming - In Tad Zawidzki, Routledge Handbook of Mindshaping.
    Most psychotherapeutic approaches are, to a greater or lesser extent, rooted in the theories and principles of scientific psychology. Nevertheless, in-session psychotherapeutic interaction between a therapist and a client is, at its core, a folk-psychological practice. As such, it is based on folk-psychological skills and competencies. But which ones exactly? This chapter argues that, while we may initially be inclined to perceive the practice of psychotherapy as primarily involving sophisticated mindreading on the part of both the therapist and the client/patient, (...)
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  32. Bare particulars and individuation reply to Mertz.J. P. Moreland & Timothy Pickavance - 2003 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 81 (1):1 – 13.
    Not long ago, one of us has clarified and defended a bare particular theory of individuation. More recently, D. W. Mertz has raised a set of objections against this account and other accounts of bare particulars and proffered an alternative theory of individuation. He claims to have shown that 'the concept of bare particulars, and consequently substratum ontology that requires it, is untenable.' We disagree with this claim and believe there are adequate responses to the three arguments Mertz raises against (...)
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  33. Effective Filtering: Language Comprehension and Testimonial Entitlement.J. P. Grodniewicz - 2022 - Philosophical Quarterly 74 (1):291-311.
    It is often suggested that we are equipped with a set of cognitive tools that help us to filter out unreliable testimony. But are these tools effective? I answer this question in two steps. Firstly, I argue that they are not real-time effective. The process of filtering, which takes place simultaneously with or right after language comprehension, does not prevent a particular hearer on a particular occasion from forming beliefs based on false testimony. Secondly, I argue that they are long-term (...)
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    Experience and Theory: An Essay in the Philosophy of Science.J. P. Day & Stephan Korner - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (76):284.
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    The Political Theory of Possessive Individualism: Hobbes to Locke.J. P. Day - 1964 - Philosophical Quarterly 14 (56):266-268.
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  36. The representational structure of linguistic understanding.J. P. Grodniewicz - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
    The nature of linguistic understanding is a much-debated topic. Among the issues that have been discussed, two questions have recently received a lot of attention: (Q1) ‘Are states of understanding direct (i.e. represent solely what is said) or indirect (i.e. represent what is said as being said/asserted)?’ and (Q2) ‘What kind of mental attitude is linguistic understanding (e.g. knowledge, belief, seeming)?’ This paper argues that, contrary to what is commonly assumed, there is no straightforward answer to either of these questions. (...)
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  37. Kripke contra Kripke – Semantic Reference as Conventionalized Speaker’s Reference.J. P. Smit - forthcoming - Erkenntnis.
    I argue that Kripke’s construal of the distinction between speaker’s reference and semantic reference, in ‘Speaker’s reference and semantic reference’ (Kripke in Midwest Stud Philos 2:255–276, 1977), in conjunction with an intuitive view of the nature of conventions, implies a theory of semantic reference that is distinct from his causal theory. On this theory, semantic reference is conventionalized speaker’s reference. The argument concerning Kripke has two general implications. First, any theory that features a notion of speaker’s reference will have great (...)
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  38. Waiting for a digital therapist: three challenges on the path to psychotherapy delivered by artificial intelligence.J. P. Grodniewicz & Mateusz Hohol - 2023 - Frontiers in Psychiatry 14 (1190084):1-12.
    Growing demand for broadly accessible mental health care, together with the rapid development of new technologies, trigger discussions about the feasibility of psychotherapeutic interventions based on interactions with Conversational Artificial Intelligence (CAI). Many authors argue that while currently available CAI can be a useful supplement for human-delivered psychotherapy, it is not yet capable of delivering fully fledged psychotherapy on its own. The goal of this paper is to investigate what are the most important obstacles on our way to developing CAI (...)
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    Hoofstuk 3 - Twee afdelings van een fakulteit 1934−1940.J. P. Oberholzer - 2010 - HTS Theological Studies 66 (3).
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  40. Almog was Right, Kripke’s Causal Theory is Trivial.J. P. Smit - 2023 - Philosophia 51 (3):1627-1641.
    Joseph Almog pointed out that Kripkean causal chains not only exist for names, but for all linguistic items (Almog 1984: 482). Based on this, he argues that the role of such chains is the presemantic one of assigning a linguistic meaning to the use of a name (1984: 484). This view is consistent with any number of theories about what such a linguistic meaning could be, and hence with very different views about the semantic reference of names. He concludes that (...)
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    Cognitive psychology's ambiguities: Some suggested remedies.J. P. Guilford - 1982 - Psychological Review 89 (1):48-59.
  42. The Hedonism in Plato's Protagoras.J. P. Sullivan - 1961 - Phronesis 6 (1):10-28.
  43. Is Somaliland a Country? An Essay on Institutional Objects in the Social Sciences.J. P. Smit & Filip Buekens - forthcoming - Dialectica.
    Searle claims that his theory of institutional reality is particularly suitable as a theoretical scheme of individuation for work in the social sciences. We argue that this is not the case. The first problem with regulatory individuation is due to the familiar fact that institutional judgments have constrained revisability criteria. The second problem with regulatory individuation is due to the fact that institutions amend their declarative judgments based on the inferential (syntactic) properties of the judgments and in response to regulatory (...)
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    Prof. Dr. B. J. Engelbrecht, Hoogleraar vir 25 jaar.J. P. Oberholzer - 1976 - HTS Theological Studies 32 (3/4):105.
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  45. The Words.J.-P. Sartre - 1964
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  46. More about hope and fear.J. P. Day - 1998 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 1 (1):121-123.
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    Towards a Compulsory Curriculum.J. P. White - 1974 - British Journal of Educational Studies 22 (2):207-208.
  48. The Family Idiot. Gustave Flaubert, 1821-1857.J.-P. SARTRE - 1981
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  49. Goltz against cerebral localization: Methodology and experimental practices.J. P. Gamboa - 2020 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 84:101304.
    In the late 19th century, physiologists such as David Ferrier, Eduard Hitzig, and Hermann Munk argued that cerebral brain functions are localized in discrete structures. By the early 20th century, this became the dominant position. However, another prominent physiologist, Friedrich Goltz, rejected theories of cerebral localization and argued against these physiologists until his death in 1902. I argue in this paper that previous historical accounts have failed to comprehend why Goltz rejected cerebral localization. I show that Goltz adhered to a (...)
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  50. On Cognitive Modeling and Other Minds.J. P. Gamboa - 2024 - Philosophy of Science 91 (3):615-633.
    Scientists and philosophers alike debate whether various systems such as plants and bacteria exercise cognition. One strategy for resolving such debates is to ground claims about nonhuman cognition in evidence from mathematical models of cognitive capacities. In this article, I show that proponents of this strategy face two major challenges: demarcating phenomenological models from process models and overcoming underdetermination by model fit. I argue that even if the demarcation problem is resolved, fitting a process model to behavioral data is, on (...)
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